You have worked hard to get to your retirement years. Make the most out of it by using this extra time to explore the beauty and grandeur of the US national park system. Regardless of which parks you decide to visit, you are going to want a game plan so that you can fully enjoy these destinations. Here are four tips for traveling to various US national parks during your retirement.
Research Busiest Times of Year
While many tourists choose to visit the national parks during the summer for the warm weather and prime wildlife viewing opportunities, your retirement affords you the opportunity to visit any time of the year. Traveling during the off-season will deliver fewer crowds and more room to roam. The best time to visit these parks is generally during the shoulder seasons such as early fall or late spring when kids are back in school and the weather is still nice.
Don’t Rush
A trip through a national park is not something that you want to rush. Part of the magic of these natural gems is their tranquility. You will enjoy your experience more if you take the time to smell the roses, so to speak. Although each park has definitive major attractions that you will not want to miss, you also need to take the time to get off of the beaten path and truly connect with Mother Nature. Not only are the parks themselves an amazing attraction, but the areas around them also boast great things to do. Take some time to explore the local cities and really get a feel for the places you are in.
Rent a Reliable Ride
Because many national parks are located in remote areas, you want to be sure that you have a dependable vehicle or RV for all of your travels. It is also up to you to ensure that your vehicle is properly maintained and ready to handle the rigors of the road. In addition to performing the recommended maintenance checks, you should regularly check tire pressure since temperature may affect their condition.
Buy an Annual Pass
If you plan on visiting more than one park, it will probably make good financial sense to purchase an annual pass. An annual pass will get you into nearly every national park for an entire year. There are also discounted rates for seniors, making this an even bigger bargain. With this type of pass, you will not feel rushed to visit a lot of parks at one time.
Leverage the extra time that you have now to fully immerse yourself in the scenic beauty of this country. The national parks are a great place to start this new season in your life.
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